Duncanville Artificial Grass


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Residential Lawn Services in Duncanville TX

Having a beautiful lawn can transform the look of your home and make your outdoor space more appealing and inviting. However, maintaining natural grass can become a daunting task, especially in areas with extreme weather conditions. This is where our residential lawn services in Duncanville, TX, come in to provide a perfect solution for homeowners. Below, we will go through all the benefits and features you can enjoy by choosing our artificial grass services.

Low Maintenance

Unlike natural grass that needs frequent mowing, watering, and fertilizing, artificial grass stays green and lush all year round with no maintenance required. This means you can save money and time on lawn care expenses, giving you more time to enjoy your outdoor space with family and friends.

Durable and Long-lasting

Our artificial grass is made of high-quality materials that are designed to withstand all kinds of weather conditions. It is highly durable and can last up to 15 years with proper maintenance, which means you won't have to worry about replacing your lawn every few years. Additionally, it can withstand heavy foot traffic and pets, making it ideal for active families.


Artificial grass requires no watering, which means you can reduce your water usage and help conserve the environment. The grass is also made from non-toxic materials, making it safe for children and pets. At the end of its lifespan, our artificial grass can be recycled, reducing your carbon footprint even further.


Our residential lawn artificial grass services are highly customizable, allowing you to choose the perfect grass for your outdoor space. We offer a variety of grass types and colors to match your existing landscaping, giving you a realistic and natural look. You can also choose the length and texture of the grass to get the perfect finish.

Transforming your lawn with our commercial landscape services in Duncanville TX has never been easier. From low maintenance to durability, eco-friendliness, and cost-effectiveness, artificial grass is an ideal solution for homeowners looking for an alternative to natural grass. With our highly customizable services, you will get the perfect lawn for your outdoor space, making it more inviting, appealing, and enjoyable for years to come. Contact us today to schedule your residential lawn artificial grass installation and enjoy the benefits of having a beautiful, low-maintenance lawn in no time.​


Signs You Need to Consider Artificial Grass for Your Residential Lawn 

Having a beautiful and well-maintained lawn is the dream of every homeowner. However, maintaining a natural lawn can be time-consuming and expensive, especially in areas with high temperatures and low rainfall. If you live in Duncanville TX and have started to experience problems with your lawn, artificial grass could be a perfect alternative. Here are signs to look for, to determine if artificial grass is a suitable option for your front or backyard.

  • High water bills or water scarcity

    If you have noticed a considerable hike in your water bills, then your lawn might be consuming more water than expected. With the increasingly hot and dry weather, it becomes challenging to keep a natural lawn adequately watered. By switching to artificial turf, you can reduce wasted water and your monthly water bills in the long run.

  • Difficulty maintaining your lawn

    Natural lawns require a lot of regular maintenance, which can be frustrating and time-consuming. By opting for artificial grass, you won't need to worry about mowing, trimming, or fertilizing anymore, and you can enjoy your free time doing other things you love.

  • Your pets are damaging your lawn

    Pets like to run, scratch and dig in the lawn, and can sometimes cause damage to the grass. With artificial grass, your pets can play and roll around without ruining your lawn. It's also easy to clean up any messes made by your pets, ensuring that your lawn looks beautiful for a long time.

  • Your lawn gets a lot of foot traffic

    If your lawn receives high foot traffic, either from your kids playing or holding backyard events, then artificial turf is a perfect option for you. It's durable and can withstand constant traffic without becoming damaged.

  • Constantly struggling to keep pests away

    Biting insects and pests like mosquitoes, ticks, and grubs can significantly damage your natural lawn, making it challenging to maintain a healthy environment. With artificial grass, you can avoid the use of harsh pesticides and chemicals, creating a safe and healthy environment for your family.

Furthermore, artificial grass is becoming an increasingly popular choice for homeowners in Duncanville, TX. It's an excellent option for those who are tired of the high maintenance requirements of natural lawns. With artificial turf, you can enjoy a beautiful and healthy lawn, that requires minimal maintenance. So, if you notice any of the signs outlined in this, it's time to consider switching to artificial grass and enjoy your free time. Contact us today to learn more about our synthetic turf products and golf greens service.


Choosing the Best Types of Artificial Grass for Your Residential Lawn

Maintaining a green and healthy lawn in Duncanville TX can be challenging, especially during the hot summer months and periods of drought. For many homeowners, artificial grass has become a popular alternative to natural turf, as it requires minimal maintenance and offers a lush, year-round green appearance. But with so many types of artificial grass available in the market, it can be challenging to determine which one is the best fit for your residential lawn. Below, we'll explore the best types of artificial grass for your residential lawn.

Ensure that the artificial grass you choose can withstand heavy foot traffic, harsh weather conditions, and other external factors. Also, consider the drainage capabilities of the turf. The best types of artificial grass have perforated holes that allow water to drain away without gathering on the surface.

The look and feel of the artificial grass are also important factors to consider. It should look and feel like natural grass. Some synthetic grass types have brown thatch or soft yarns that mimic the appearance and feel of real grass. Consider the blade shape, length, and color of the grass to give your lawn a natural, attractive appearance.

Another factor to consider when choosing the best type of artificial grass for your residential lawn is its reaction to sunlight. The best types of artificial grass have a UV resistant material which doesn't fade, even when exposed to harsh sunlight.

If you have pets in your home, it's essential to choose a type of artificial grass that is pet-friendly. The turf should be easy to clean, odor-resistant, and durable enough to withstand your pet's activities. Ensure that the grass has antimicrobial properties and is designed to prevent the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms.

​Consider the weather patterns and the type of soil in your area. The best types of artificial grass should be designed for the local climate, and the ground should be prepared appropriately for installation.

Choosing the best types of artificial grass can improve the appearance of your home and reduce your maintenance costs. Factors to consider when choosing the best type of artificial grass include durability, drainage, look, feel, UV resistance, pet-friendliness, and local climate. At Duncanville Artificial Grass, we offer a wide variety of the best types of artificial grass that meet all the requirements for residential lawns in Duncanville TX. Get in touch with us today to learn more about choosing the best types of artificial grass for your residential lawn.

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